First, just let me say that I have been horrible these past two weeks about participating in my blog hops. I answer the questions and go link up. But then I have been so busy that I haven't had time to hop around and leave comments. I keep thinking I will go back and do it and I get sidetracked and never make it. I apologize to my blogging buddies for ignoring your sites. I am getting organized and caught up so I can get back at it from now on. Thanks to all of you who continue to visit me on the hops and leave comments. I am definitely going to get back to doing the same. Effective starting Monday I'm changing a few things.
Right now, I have the blog hops on a different tab one for each link up. Monday is Monday Quiz about Me with Acting Balanced.

Tuesday I hop over to Everyday Ruralty and visit with Ms. Patrice and Wendell in Chats on the Farmhouse Porch.
Then Friday, I pop over to My Little Life to join up with her 5 Question Friday.
Having a page for each hop has created a problem with the comments. It keeps all comments on that page and you sometimes have to scroll a long way to find the comment button. Starting next week, I am doing away with the separate pages for the hops. I will just do a daily post and include the hop in it. I have noticed others doing that and I like it. That will eliminate the problems I have been having with the comments on pages process. Again, thanks for sticking with me thru these changes.