I have one of these vintage Cosco utility carts that were so popular in the 50's. Mine is in great shape, but it is wood paneling colored like the one below.

I am getting ready to paint it. Part of me wants to do it in red since that seemed to be the most popular color.

I am getting ready to paint it. Part of me wants to do it in red since that seemed to be the most popular color.

But then again, a basic white would go with anything if I ever change color schemes.
I know I don't want hunter green. That just isn't the color I am shooting for.
Since the room it is in has pink, blue, yellow and red throughout, this would be kind of cute.
I really, really like the yellow though.
Most everyone I see who redoes them picks an aqua or turquoise blue, which I like really well.
I have looked for years for one of these and I normally would never have bought the brown one, but I only paid $2.00 for it so I want to paint it and use it. There is a group on Facebook where a lady restored one and sold it in her shop for $75.00!! Whoa, I will stick with paying $2.00 and painting it myself, but hers turned out pretty.

I think I have narrowed it down to red, blue or yellow on painting mine. What are your thoughts? All of those colors are in the room I am using it in.