First off, I want to give a great big Congratulations! to my granddaughter, Alexis, and her cheer team for getting Superior at the competition yesterday.

I've had a busy weekend and got a lot of stuff done around the house. But I did manage to squeeze in some shopping time at some local antique stores. I finally found the Pyrex Town & Country divided dish that I have been looking for for months.
And I found the snowflake one also. I was thrilled. They were both well under $10 each.
I use them at my Thirty-One parties and for Thanksgiving & Christmas for chips and dips, or queso cheese and nacho chips. But a lately in one of my Pyrex FB groups uses her to serve spaghetti in one side and salad in the other for her family's dinners. I was so thrilled to find these.
I also found this vintage dish towel which I am loving. I have been looking for a tablecloth in this vintage pattern, but never could find one that wasn't stained or was big enough for my table. So this is a perfect way to have that pattern in my kitchen.
I went to Joanne's Saturday and picked up some more Christmas pieces for some projects I am doing.
And some glittery ribbon and rick rack for the projects.
I finally got my Halloween decorations out. It just isn't Halloween without my ghost cookie jar.
In Sunday School class yesterday morning, I was admiring the dotted curtains on our classroom window.
Upon closer inspection, I found they had been made from a felt backed plastic tablecloth. What a cute idea. I never would have thought of that.
My mother loves to read, but she doesn't get out as much as she used to. A friend of mine gave me a box of books to take when I go in to see Mom next month. They were all her favorite authors. Mom is going to be thrilled. I called her last night and read her the name and most of the descriptions of everyone of them. She can't wait to get them. There were well over 30 of them.
As I was reading them, I noticed one had a card still in it for a bookmark. I pulled it out to look at it and just had to sit there and smile since this is my absolute favorite bible verse in the world. If my friend doesn't want it back, this is going in my bible. It was an awesome find to end my weekend.