I am a big fan of repurposing something simple into something useful when the original purpose is over. Pinterest is full of great idea. Here were a few I liked.
Who would have thought about making a cute bottle out of the soy sauce when it is done.

And this would be cute for the car. Carry some grocery bags in a empty wipe container. I don't have a dog, but could decorate this vintage and carry it in my trunk. When I go to yard sales, they don't always have a bag or newspaper to wrap glassware in. I am going to put one of these in my trunk so I can wrap my treasures up and they won't break. By the way one of my pet peeves is the fact that Dollar Tree does not wrap glass items. They just put them in a bag. I bought a beautiful glass vase and the lady put it right in the bag with my pickles. I had to ask for an extra bag to wrap it in. This would solve that problem.
Who would have thought about making a cute bottle out of the soy sauce when it is done.
And this would be cute for the car. Carry some grocery bags in a empty wipe container. I don't have a dog, but could decorate this vintage and carry it in my trunk. When I go to yard sales, they don't always have a bag or newspaper to wrap glassware in. I am going to put one of these in my trunk so I can wrap my treasures up and they won't break. By the way one of my pet peeves is the fact that Dollar Tree does not wrap glass items. They just put them in a bag. I bought a beautiful glass vase and the lady put it right in the bag with my pickles. I had to ask for an extra bag to wrap it in. This would solve that problem.
And what a cute re-do of a Swiffer sweeper box. This would also work with baby wipee boxes.
When I first saw this, I thought "What's so brilliant about using a milk jug to water plants." I have done this for a long time.
Then I saw they had put holes in the lid to make it more of sprinkling the plants instead of drowning them. Love it.
Here are some ideas for repurposing your Keurig's K-Cups. I adore the golden bell.
And I want to do this really bad. Any glass jar with lid would do. You don't paint the lid. You use sandpaper to remove the wording and give it a vintage worn look. Punch a whole in the top and screw in your choice of knob from Lowe's or Home Depot. Easy as can be and you have a cute vintage jar.

I found this at Saved by Love Creations. You can visit the link for directions. She has turned a Matchbox car box into a sewing notions kit. Too cute.
If you get the chance, go to Pinterest and type in Repurpose and you will be amazed at the ideas out there that you never thought about.