New Year's is just around the corner. It's that time of year when I start thinking of changes, getting organized and looking forward. I don't make resolutions because I never seem to keep them. I used to make goals and I was always successful when I did that. But I am a "hands on" visual person. Just having a goal hasn't been working. I need to get me some charts and forms to keep my goals in perspective and to document my successes. Oh lands! I sound like a boss. But hey, it does work.
I want to do an overhaul on my filing system and attempt at staying organized. One draw back to having a home office and owning your own company is the fact that there is no one to prod you into getting organized. I get a little discombobulated sometimes and it shows. I am going to figure out a new system before the first. One that makes sense and one I can stick to. I see a trip to Staples in my near future.

I also need to get my crafts organized. I keep heading off in different areas as to what I want to work on. I wanted to do a scrapbook of grandchildren, but kept buying stuff and for some reason I never started the project. Now I know it is because we didn't have all our grandchildren yet. Now that Colby is one, I want to get started on the scrapbook of my grandbabies. I have a lot of the pages and the embellishments. I even have the scrapbook "Camp Grandma". I just need to upload pics and get them developed.
I've got several projects I have purchased supplies for and never pursued. I need to find me a good deal on a sewing machine. I also need to get several plastic canvas projects completed. I would love to have a snowy January so I would stay home more on the weekends and get some of this accomplished.
I am tossing around the idea of becoming a Thirty One consultant. (I know, just one more thing I have to stay organized about). Not sure if I want to venture into it or not. I'm going to talk to my consultant to get her thoughts. We are friends and we go to the same church so I don't want to step on her toes, but I think I would really enjoy becoming a consultant. It would be fun as well as provide an extra avenue of income. I talked it over with hubby and he was very encouraging. I might venture into it to see how it does. This would be a good time to try it out since the new spring products will be launching soon.
All this deep thinking has given me a headache. I'll have to think about it more later.