It is 7:10 and I have done a load of laundry, cleaned up the house, made a grocery list and got ready for work. Getting ready to run to the store before I go to work to stock up on grandkids food for the weekend. Got a busy, busy week planned. Tomorrow I am taking some of my grandkids to Kodak Heritage Days at the Northview Optimist Park. This is the biggest year yet. Two live bands, bouncy houses, tractor show, and of course the heritage groups showing how to make soap, how they used to wash clothes, and the history of the area. I am sure there will be arts and crafts booths as always.

Then Sunday night starts VBS. I am heading over Saturday afternoon to put some finish touches on the submarine and add some blue covers for the ocean. I'll get some pics to show you. Very pleased that most of my Pinterest ideas were successes.
Have a great Friday.