I hope everybody had a great weekend. I went to church yesterday and had another gift bag from my Secret Sister. I have the best one ever. She is always surprising me with little gifts. Yesterday, I went into Sunday School class and there were some fried pies. I forgot to get a photo before we ate them yesterday. But there was a note that directed me to a table in the lobby where I found this. I love it all, especially the clipboard with my favorite word on it. Thank you my special Sister, whoever you may be.
I love the little cards she puts with all my gifts. They are all "bee" cards.
My daughter sells Avon and my new order came in this weekend. In addition, she gave me this cute set of stackable rings. Aren't they adorable!
I had also ordered some Christmas hand lotion for door prizes for my Wish List party in November.
I had ordered some sparkly nail polish for the holidays. The red is my favorite (of course). I just love anything in red.
I love Christmas earrings. Avon had this set of 7 pairs so I had to snatch them up. I love them all, but the little snowmen are my favorite.
I got the munchies yesterday and was trying to decide if I wanted to make no-bake oatmeal cookies. They don't really take that long to make and once I get started I am glad I make them, but it is the getting started part that slows me down.
But they did turn out good.
But the highlight of the entire weekend was a trip to a local antique store. And finally, after months and months of searching, I have bought my Pyrex White Hamilton Beach Mixing Bowl. I bet all my readers is glad I finally found it. Now I will quit mentioning it about every week. I am very happy and can't wait to bake a cake this week.