Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein
I once heard some one use this quote to describe failure. And it is true. If you keep doing the same things over and over and over and it is not working, why would you keep trying?
I find myself doing this in my quest to lose weight. I keep sliding back into my bad habits, thinking that "2 more Junior Mints won't hurt". But how many times a day do I eat those "2 more".
Each of us must take a good hard look at what we view as failures in our lives. We should ask ourselves "What could I have done differently?"
For example, if you are a salesperson and your sales are down, is it the economy? Or is it because you are not willing to go out on a limb and try new approaches? This is true in everyday life as well. If we do not take chances and make changes, are we destined to continue with our current status? Will we feel like a failure because we cannot reach our goals? Or will we strive to perfect our daily walk so we can see the success that waits for us ahead?
So many people are looking for things to motivate them. So many want to succeed and try different paths to reach that success. We all have our favorite bible verses that help us and keep our spirits lifted in difficult times.
But go back and read Genesis Chapter 1. God did not rest until He achieved the ultimate success when He created the world. Each day brought new things. Each day was something He created. After each day that He completed, the bible tells us "And God saw that it was good."
Our loving God, the very one who created us, shows us from the first chapter of His word, that we should strive to be successful. We should work toward our goal and at the end of the day, we too can look at our successes and say "it was good."