My blog is dedicated today to my older sister, Rachel Elizabeth Ashworth. Happy birthday, Sis. Being so close in age, we have shared so many secrets over the years and so many good times. We have laughed together and cried together. We rejoiced together at the births of our children and our nieces and nephews. And we have mourned the death of our dad, our grandmothers and our aunts and uncles.
I had zillion stuffed animals and couldn't sleep unless each one of them was snuggled against me. Which meant when we had a full size bed, she had to sleep with stuffed animals lined up down the middle of the bed all the way to my feet.
I was so impressed with her that I let her talk me into things. I'll never forget when we had a little bit of money to spend and she would talk me into not buying what I wanted, but to pool our money and get a new rug for our room or a Supreme's album.
Of course having an older sister had a lot of benefits. She got a job while I was still in high school and spent her money on nice clothes...which she let me borrow (usually as a way to pay for my silence about something).
I was her maid of honor and she was my matron of honor.
As we have grown, we have grown even closer if it is possible. She is the one I turn to when I need to vent or brag. She is always there for me and I hope she knows that I'm always there for her. When we are together, there is so much laughter and joy that it is like losing an arm or a leg when she leaves to go back home.
I love you, Rachel. Have a wonderful birthday.