It was another wonderful weekend at Mamaw's Place. I got a lot of house work done and the laundry for the week is all caught up....even folded and put away. I did all that Friday night. Then vegged out on the couch and watched TV.

Saturday, I got up early and made a mad dash to Walmart to pick up some staples we needed. While I was there, I started my November tradition of pricing hams and turkeys everywhere I go. It won't be long till they will start coming on sale and I will have to decide on what brand for this year.
Saturday afternoon, I headed to Trunk-or-Treat at our church. It was really good. I love seeing my friends and checking out their trunk decorations. I think this one was my absolute favorite this year. It was so creative.

It was getting cold so I was glad to come home to Allen having the fireplace running. It was nice and cozy. I spent some time starting to set out my Thanksgiving decor. I will get pics of all of it later, but I love my angel with my new sign I got for just $1.00.

Once again, we didn't have any trick-or-treaters. We just don't live in a big enough neighborhood. But I spend the evening reading and relaxing. I am about finished with my last Icicle Falls book. This has been a great series and I hate to see it end.
I got up on Sunday morning and did my nails. I didn't like how they turned out so I did them again. I didn't like that color either so I figured third time is a charm so I changed to my Brushed Metal polish by Avon and I am happy now.

Sunday morning, I went to church with my son and his family at Richardson Cove Baptist Church. It was a wonderful service. Their pastor always brings a great message. I really enjoyed getting to see my grandbabies. I wanted to get a pic of them, but my phone died before service was over.
I came home from church and had a light lunch then decided to try a soup recipe I saw on Facebook. It was called School Soup because the lady said it was what they fixed in her school cafeteria growing up. I had bought all the ingredients on Friday so I decided to give it a shot. It turned out perfect. I really enjoyed it. I will definitely add that to my recipe collection.
I didn't leave the house the rest of the day. I just spent some time changing my backgrounds on my computer and phone to Thanksgiving. I worked on my Thanksgiving dinner menu. May a list of things we are low on so I can start stocking up.
Then Sunday night, I started the Thanksgiving season off right by watching A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.

All in all, it was a great weekend. Now I have to ruin it all by getting out in the rain and going to work. I really, really don't like Monday's.