It has been a wild, crazy, busy week. Started off with making sports people out of Easter eggs for VBS decor.
Every night was filled with crafting for four classes of children 5 years old and under.
We had ball games at the most beautiful ball park I've ever been to.
We had photo props for VBS which Colby gladly tried out for me.
I even got a little sun and it was just enough that it has already turned tan.
Spent hours this week watching Colby build cities at the beach, western frontiers and much more on the app called Minecraft. It is little like mining and you mine brick, wood, stone, rock and then use the pieces to build things. He is totally amazing at his imagination for just 7 years old.
Went to Wonderworks where they spent a lot of time dancing in the room that has a wall that turns your moves into abstract pictures. It's my fave place when we go there.
But alas, all good things must come to an end. I have to take them back home this morning until I get another day off that I can spend with them.