These cool early mornings are making me crave hot chocolate. I need to find me the perfect hot chocolate cup. I really want something vintage. Here are some I love. I love Snoopy. I always have, especially in his Red Baron mode. This cup recently sold for $495.00 on Ebay so I am pretty sure I will never be able to find me one, but I do love it.
Dad had one of these when we were little.
I saw this online, but if I had it I would never be able to bring myself to drink from it for fear of breaking it.
These are some Hazel Atlas vintage cups I would like to find.
I actually own some like the two on the left, but I would like to find one like the one on the right.
These are some I would love to find.
I love the colors in this one.
I actually found one of these this past summer so I can mark it off my list.
Since I am a Dunkin Donut fan it makes sense that I would like to have one of these.
This is a cute one for Christmas time.
I have seen these on the internet but never in person. I don't know if they are vintage or something someone has copied and made.
I wouldn't normally drink hot chocolate from a tea cup, but this is just awesome.
These sets caught my eye on Pinterest. They are cute.
I also saw a recipe on Pinterest for Hot chocolate floats.
And another one for salted caramel hot chocolate.
This is my favorite hot chocolate that I make and my favorite cup that I drink it in. It is hot chocolate stirred with a candy cane for peppermint flavoring. Topped with mini marshmallows and grated candy cane.