I occasionally post about my friend who does monogramming and applique. Many people ask me what all she can do...the answer is so broad that I thought it would be a good idea to showcase some of my favorite items she has done. So today is all about Stevie Marie's. You can find her on Facebook at Stevie Marie's or on her website www.StevieMaries.com.
I fell in love last year with some hot chocolate dish towels she made so I had her make me one. I decorated my wine rack in aqua and red. I loved it.

Here's how I displayed the towel.
She makes these cute towels as well with the Kitchen Aid Mixer....I'm pretty sure my sister is going to love these.
She does them in a lot of different colors and monograms them however you want.
One of my favorite patterns is her Ball jar with daisies. I found this vintage towel and had her do the jar on it for me. Daisies are my favorite flower.
She is doing some cute new pumpkins for kids cloths, but I think I may have her do me one on a black or gray sweatshirt for fall.
She does assorted sports teams for football. She can also do thinks for baseball, basketball, volley ball and soccer.
This is also one of my favorites. I think of my niece Amy when I see this. Guess I should show it to her and see if she wants one.
This pocket t-shirt is one she made for me for my Thirty-One conference. It is actually made from Thirty-One fabric swatches.
I don't know why but mustaches are a big style this year so she has done some mustache pumpkins.
Her son, Raylan, loves the letter R so she found some alphabet Halloween designs. How cute is this.
She does hats and pocket shirts like crazy and has an assortment of materials and color combinations. Everything is custom designed.
This is probably my favorite little girl pattern for all. A pumpkin carriage for a little princess.
Pocket t-shirts are one of her specialties. These were done as gifts for the bridesmaids in a wedding.
Here's another football shirt that she can do for any team.
If you are a sports Mom, she can do your child or grandchild's number on the shirt.
Every time I see an owl I think of Ms. Debbie at Jeremiah-2911.
I love this pumpkin towel for the fall. She is going to do some apple ones as well.
Isn't this little shirt Fa-BOO-lous. Too adorable.
And one more towel that she does that I like. The Mason jar with flowers.
I could go on an on. She is so talented and does good quality products.