Do you ever get in a rut and do things the same way over and over because that was the traditional way? I am like that with decorating. I never mixed patterns and I never mixed colors that weren't normally together. A perfect example is Christmas. I either do my kitchen in red and green or I change it up and do it in blue and white snowflakes.
This year is going to be different. I am stepping outside the box and doing it in red and blue. It all started with a Pyrex bowl.....

And a dish towel....

I received the Pyrex snowflake Garland bowl in a trade. I loved it so much that I thought I would do my kitchen in snowflakes this year...thus insuring a blue and white kitchen for Christmas. THEN my friend Stevie Marie, posted these cute dish towels she did in red and green and I fell in love with the hot chocolate cups because I drink it all winter long. So I went to see Stevie and requested a dish towel in blue and white. She didn't have snow flakes but she is very created and I love the way she matches things I would never thing to match. With the help of her and her mama, they convinced me Christmas doesn't have to be red and green or blue and white. You can combine both. So I gave the okay and the did me a dish towel and I fell in love.
I draped it over my Pyrex snowflake pieces to see what I thought.
I was beginning to like this blue and red in the kitchen together for Christmas. Then I went onto Pinterest to look for Thanksgiving decor and this popped up on the home screen.
And this morning as I was looking at blogs, I saw this.
And this was on another site I went to.
I am now convinced I am onto something with this new theme for my kitchen. I found these Santa cups by Pyrex on Ebay and I'm thinking about getting them.
And I didn't know that Pyrex did Christmas ornaments. I must have these for a little tree in my kitchen.
My sister bought this set of dishes for her Christmas table a couple of years ago when she visited me. The antique store that carried them still has tons of them so I want to go back and get a set for my Christmas table.
I am so happy that I have my Christmas theme now. I can't wait until after Thanksgiving so I can start decorating.