The past six months have been a nightmare. Between moving, changing jobs, a trip to Mom's, a weekend girls retreat, a trip to the beach, VBS and various other obligations I haven't been able to focus much on my Thirty-One business.

So I'm doing a week long party. I'm posting shopping links here on my blog. I'm creating an event for my Facebook friends. I'm creating an online Facebook party. I'm taking up catalog orders and I'm holding an open house party at my home. It will be interesting to see how it goes. My goal is a $1000 party. I haven't had a big one like that since before Allen got sick. But I used to do quite a few large ones. As the hostess, I get to earn all the wonderful rewards. It should be a good party because the special is spend $35 and get the Medium Utility Tote for $12. Since it is only offered one time a year as a special, it may generate some orders.
I hope to earn enough hostess credits to get this Via Night wallet. It would be perfect for those quick trips to the store.
I also hope to earn this Mini Zipper Pouch. They are one of my addictions. I use them for so much that you just wouldn't believe it. Craft needles, scissors, seam ripper in one. First aid kit in one. I have one for coupons and one for spare change. I have one for make-up and one for manicure supplies. I have one for cotton balls and one for Q-Tips. I like getting ones that co-ordinate with my purses so I can carry an emergency kit....Tide pen, Germ-X, glasses wipes, eye glass repair, tweezers, etc. So yes, I am addicted. You cannot have too many mini zipper pouches. Here is one I want as my newest addition.
But the ultimate item on my wish list is a new tote purse. This is my favorite. I have one in Navy with dots for the fall. But I need a new fun summer one to take to conference this year. I love the personalization options they offer. And since I love Thirty-One, I want to do my favorite Icon and phrase on the Go To Tote (which is an appropriate name since it is my favorite "go to tote").
Don't you just love the little bow in the birdie's hair? That bag is the ultimate goal of the party. Why buy something when I can get it for free? If I end up with a $600 party I can get everything above for free. If I end up with a $1000 party, I can add my other dream purse. I don't know if it will be in the fall catalog, so I hope to earn it before August. It is the Miles of Style in Caramel Charm Pebble.
If you get a chance, you should check out some of the fun stuff.
You can click here to shop if you'd like to see the awesome items Thirty-One offers. It will ship right to your home.