I picked up Alexis to take her out to eat and to go shopping for her birthday time with me. Her birthday is Sunday and I always take each grandchild out for some special Mamaw time before their birthday. We went to our favorite place, Applebee's. She had cheesy chicken and garlic mashed potatoes. I had the potato skins and she had me try her chicken. It was really good.

Of course we had to have, as Alexis calls it, The Big Brownie Dessert. We shared it and found it was a lot easier to move to the same side of the table to eat it. They wait staff sang happy birthday to her when they delivered it. The waitress asked if we wanted our picture taken and of course we said yes.

After dining and shopping for her gift, she asked me if we could go get Shelby, my other granddaughter, so they could stay all night together. They had a snack around 9:30 then left their trays up to play Glam and Go Bling, which they combined the cards to make up their own game. They finally crashed around 11:30 last night.

We are going to have some girl time and go shopping, just the three of us. We are going to stop at the Tudor House antique store. That's my favorite one to go to.
I am going to look for the Pyrex snowflake divided dish. I hope I can find one. We have several antique stores I can try.
I am going to the Tudor House first because she told me she would happily give me store credit for any Pyrex I had to trade. Last time she did that, I took in a set of 12 Swanky Swigs and 2 or 3 pieces of Pyrex and she gave me $95 store credit. This is what I'm taking to show her today. One piece I am going to trade for a friend, the other pieces are either duplicates or patterns I don't collect. I would be happy to get $60 bucks out of all these since I know she will need to mark them up for resale.
After our shopping trip, the girls will be going back home. Alexis is cheering at a ball game tonight and Shelby may be going to the Rod Run in Pigeon Forge. I will be going back home and plan on giving myself a manicure with my new Sally Hansen orange nail polish I bought last night.

My new favorite manicure is to do my nails in one shade and then do my ring finger in this glittery silver. So that is what I'm doing tonight.
After church, I need to go home and get ready for Alexis's birthday party. She is having it at this awesome pavilion on the river. It's at the same place she had it last year. We had a blast. It is supposed to be a beautiful day so I am sure I'll do some river wading while the kids splash around in it. There are several places where it isn't very deep.

I hope to get some pictures this year. The girls are always ready to pose for me; the boys - not so much. I don't know how many times I tried to get these two grandsons and my son-in-law. They are very evasive.

Well, that's my weekend plans so far. Hope you are having as much fun as I am.