
What a fun time....

Seven years ago this week, I took three of my grandchildren to a place called Circle G Ranch in Kodak, TN. It is no longer there but the memories of that day will linger on forever. For my Friday Foto Friends, I thought I would share some of the photos from that trip. 

The Circle G was a place fenced in on the outer perimeter but inside, the majority of the animals roamed free. They were mild mannered for the most part but their were quite a few nosey ones. Our favorite memory was the emu that kept coming up and looking in the window. Alexis started watching in our truck's rear view window and would yell "Emu Alert!" when one started coming near. She was only about 6 or so and it was so cute. We would roll the windows down and keep going. You drove real slow over some rough terrain because you never knew what was going to pop out.

There were a lot of pot bellied pigs who just roamed around wherever they wanted.

Some were inside fences and some weren't. This crazy llama and a young yak came right up to the window as well. 

There was a big water buffalo who did not want to get out of the middle of the road. After much honking, hollering and hanging out the window telling him to move, he step out of the way so we could go buy. The kids were laughing hysterically and I was thinking "Oh my gosh what have I gotten us into?"

As I am looking out one window, Garret turned around and said, "Uh, Mamaw, there's a zebra at my window. 

Up ahead was a whole heard of them so our windows went back up again.

Around the next bend I slowed down to a stop so we could look at some what I believe were called mule deer. As we were looking at the herd on one side, nobody noticed the one that was just standing at the window staring in. It was a little creepy. 

When we were going through ostrich territory, the car in front of us had their window down. The ostrich stuck his head in all the way over the to passenger side. I would have had a heart attack right then and there.

It was an amazing day. We did the drive through part then parked and got out for the petting zoo area and the domestic farm animals.

At one spot there was a rooster on a fence and Garret wanted my camera to take a pic of it. Turned out to be one of the best pictures ever so I framed it and it is still in that frame in my kitchen with all my rooster decor. Wonderful memories.