First, let me say I think I may be addicted to flip flops. I have 19 pairs and I have a very hard problem throwing them away when they wear out. The inside soul can get worn and tattered and I still don't want to part with them. But I have 3 or 4 pair that really should go. I didn't realize how many I had until I got them all out last night.

My favorite pair of black flip flops is going to need to be replaced. The inner sole is cork and it is disintegrating. I am sad. So, today is starting the great flip flop hunt for something comfortable and thin straps so I can replace them. I've gotten a head start and searched online at my stores I will be visiting today. I have decided that Sears, Target or Belk will have something I like. I don't remember which of these came from where, but I'm hitting all three stores today so I will figure it out. I liked the looks of these.

My favorite pair of black flip flops is going to need to be replaced. The inner sole is cork and it is disintegrating. I am sad. So, today is starting the great flip flop hunt for something comfortable and thin straps so I can replace them. I've gotten a head start and searched online at my stores I will be visiting today. I have decided that Sears, Target or Belk will have something I like. I don't remember which of these came from where, but I'm hitting all three stores today so I will figure it out. I liked the looks of these.
This is the pair I really think will work for what I want. The strap is thin and sole is thin and looks really comfy. This one was at Sears for just $12.99.
This one looks like it would be comfortable but I'm just not sure.
I like the bow, but I think I would feel silly wearing these at my age.
I like the bling on this one but I don't like the tiny little heel. I like flat flip flops the best.
However, even with the little heel I fell in love with this one. Love the gold medallion.
I may pick up two pairs if I can find these in stock in my size. I love these shoes.
I adore these sparkly ones. I have nail polish this exact shade that glitters and sparkles as well. These are just $6.00 but I don't remember if I saw them at Sears or Target.
And don't laugh at me, but OH MY GOSH! Gold tone jelly shoes for just $6.50. I would love to find these.
One thing I know for sure is that I will not come home today until I have found some new flip flops.