Once upon a time there was a little girl with a head full of golden curls.

Through the years she played Barbie's and baby dolls.

The years went on until the next thing she knew, she as a senior in high school and ready to face the world.

Over the years, God blessed her with two beautiful children and the man of her dreams.

Through the years she played Barbie's and baby dolls.

The years went on until the next thing she knew, she as a senior in high school and ready to face the world.

Over the years, God blessed her with two beautiful children and the man of her dreams.

The years went by and she watched her children grow and get married. She and her hubby were soon on their own, living in their empty nest.

The next thing you knew, she was told she was going to have a grandchild. The years went on and those calls continued until she was blessed with five beautiful (those sometimes a little crazy) grandchildren to love with all her heart.

Then she woke up this morning and she was 57 years old! How in the world did that happen? Where did 57 come from. I knew it would happen one day, but I never thought it would happen so soon. Oh, well. There you have it. I am 57 today. And I plan on enjoying every single moment of my birthday. Hubby is taking me shopping and out to dinner tonight.

A client of mine told me something once that I like to remember at times like this..."It's always a good day when you wake up on this side of the dirt."
I'm off to enjoy my birthday. Have a great day!