My sister turns 60 today. That's right the big 60. And the most wonderful part about her being 60 is that I have been with her for 58 years and 10 months of that time. We are only 13 1/2 months apart and have been inseparable our whole life. We live 5 1/2 hours away from each other, but are still as close today as we have been for the last almost 59 years.
This is one of my favorite pictures of me (L) and Rachel (R) with Daddy. Look at our long curls. They were natural.

As the years went by, we shared our toys. We shared our room. We shared our friends. We shared our secrets.

We have always been best friends and will always be.

We have taken trips together to the beach. But my favorite trip with her was when we went to watch our nephew Jake graduate from the USMC.
Here we are at her daughter Amy's baby shower. (L-R) Rachel, Amy, Mom and me. We had a great time.

She is always there for me and I know that I can call her any time. I love you Rachel and hope that your 60th birthday is the best birthday ever. I love you for your heart, your kindness, your sense of humor. But I also love you because no matter how old I get, you will always be older than me. Just kidding. Have a very, very, very Happy Birthday.