It's been a wonderful four day weekend and I'm glad to be back to blogging world.
Thursday afternoon my sweet niece Cindi presented us with a beautiful new great-nephew. Allow me to introduce you to Chase Matthew, 6 # 10 oz. Isn't he a cutie!

That was a great afternoon, but it went down hill from there. We had a major hail storm come through.
Thursday afternoon my sweet niece Cindi presented us with a beautiful new great-nephew. Allow me to introduce you to Chase Matthew, 6 # 10 oz. Isn't he a cutie!

That was a great afternoon, but it went down hill from there. We had a major hail storm come through.
After the hail storm and the rain stopped, I went out to inspect for damage. Mine and hubby's vehicles took a beating. His is repairable but mine suffered more damaged and the insurance company is going to total it. I had a cracked windshield, cracked trim, dents in the hood, trunk, roof, quarter panels and light covers cracked.
His was some hail damage on the hood and a little on the top.
You would think I would be devastated about all this damage, but for some reason I was very calm. I've been thinking about trading my car in. I've never been happy with it since I bought it. Guess I won't have any choice in the matter now.
What really upset me was what the pounding hail did to my patio swing. I never knew hail could beat a hole in material. My swing was only a year old and I had babied it and there was not one single tear or scratch in the material.....till now. The storm roared up out of nowhere so we didn't have time to bring the cushions in like we normally do.
I think I'm going to look for a wooden swing to replace this one.
Friday, I ran errands and spent a wonderful evening at the ball field with my son and his family. Got to watch Garret and Alexis both have a game. Saturday, I went shopping and car scouting with my daughter and her children. Her Explorer took a beating and is totaled as well. So we went to get some ideas while we wait on the insurance company.
Sunday was a beautiful Memorial Service at church and the rest of the day we just relaxed some more. I even took a LONG afternoon nap...which I NEVER do.
Monday, Hubby and I went antique shopping. I could not find the pitcher I was looking for. But I also wanted to start a collection of salt cellars (also known as salt dips). They are little tiny "bowls" that would be placed at every plate with a little salt in them so you could salt your food. A friend of mine has some and I thought I would start collecting them. Some have little lids such as roosters, rabbits, swans, etc. And some are just open containers.
I found these little rooster ones that I just had to have. My mom and grandmother had the larger size of these that were candy dishes when I was growing up. The jadeite and the pink one are my favorites. They range from $2.00 - $3.95 each. They made my day. Each one is about 2 1/2" long.
This little salt dip is adorable as well. I want to find some more to go with this. It was just $2.50.
I found this cute little bowl/dish. I have no idea what I will use it for, but I fell in love with it and for just $5.00, I had to have it.
After antique shopping all day in 90 degrees, I was exhausted. I came home and took a bubble bath and read. Then hubby fixed me biscuits and bacon gravy for supper. I had that with homemade apple butter and vegged out on the couch all evening. It was a very relaxing weekend. I'm ready to face the world again. I needed these four days off. Sunday starts Vacation Bible School at our church and I'm helping with crafts and music for the Pre-K kids. Relaxation kind of goes out the window that week but I love every minute of it.