I, the queen of lists, could not think of a category for my Top 10 Tuesday this week. So, it will be a Top 10 Tuesday of my most random thoughts this morning.
1. I started off my morning this morning by visiting the Android Market Place on my Samsung cell phone. Lo and behold, I found an app called Amazon Kindle. I downloaded it and wah-lah! My phone is now a Kindle. Which is great, because I'm reading a series of books and it is time for #4 which I can't find anywhere. So I downloaded it to my cell phone and have already finished the first chapter. LOVE MY NEW APP!

2. My reading glasses are something I love that I wonder how I have lived without. With all this new technology of cell phones, laptops, etc., I find it hard to focus when I spend much time on my electronics. I have prescription glasses that are tri-focals, but trying to find that exact spot where I can surf on my phone when I'm away from the house, was putting strain on my eyes. I didn't need new glasses, just a wider area for reading. So I called the eye doctor not too long ago and they gave me the number for my non-prescription reading glasses. Thanks to Walmart and the Dollar Tree, I now have a pair in each car and a pair in the house. These are my house ones and my faves. They made reading my "Kindle" so much easier this morning.

3. As I was looking through my bookshelf the other day, I saw one of my bookends and I remembered that a young boy of 18 went to New York with his high school class back in 1976. It was winter and he was 6' tall and wanted a scarf to wear that was really long. I worked with his mom and he asked me to knit it for him. Mom and I took turns working on it. It was a beautiful soft cashmere camel tan yarn. Anyway, he went to the gift shop in the World Trade Center and purchased this set of book ends as a thank you for our hard work. As I looked at them yesterday, I was reminded again of 9/11 and all the lives that were lost or changed that day. I have never been to World Trade Center, but thanks to his sweet gift of bookends, I will always remember the tragedy of that day.

4. I have a horrible sinus infection and the pressure is pushing down on my gums and I've not had much appetite. The meds kicked in yesterday evening after we had planned NOT to have a big supper. My husband fried some bacon "just in case". Once I smelled the bacon, I got so hungry but it was already 7:00. So he threw a potato in the microwave for 5 minutes, scraped it out of the skins (which I don't like) and mixed it with lots of Parkay and crumbled bacon. He put it on a small baking dish and put American cheese on it for me. While the cheese melted in the oven, he fried me an egg and I fixed some toast and had a side serving of apple butter. It may not have been the healthiest meal, but oh my gosh for impromptu, it was scrumptious.

5. As many of you know, I love tea sets. I have passed that love on to my two granddaughters and we like to have tea parties when they come over. We had been using one of my miniatures but they didn't hold much "tea" (water) so I picked this one up a few months back at Walmart for just $5.00. Now they get to play tea party any time they want and I don't worry about breakage. It is good and sturdy china, but it is only $5 if I have to replace it.
6. There is a young girl in my church who I have grown so fond of. She holds a very special place in my heart and loves to draw and paint. I asked her for one of her drawings for my beach room. So I've rearranged a shelf to display it. She normally doesn't use pastels so she wasn't happy with it, but I love it because it is so special since she did it especially for me.

7. Did you notice the little birdhouse out of yarn? I did that years ago with plastic canvas. I am heading to Michael's Saturday to use my gift certificate and get some new yarn. I have a plan. I'm going to get a little shelf that can be decorated for each month and I'm going to make 12 of these little bird houses....one for each month and do a theme shelf. January will be blue and white and the shelf will have snowmen sitting on it. February, red and white with hearts on the shelf, March green and white with shamrocks or leprechauns on the shelf, etc. You get my drift. I can't wait to get started. My first one is going to be for August and it will be black roof on red house and something "back to school" related on the shelf. I'll display them when I get them done. The birdhouse "hole" will be a button that will go with the theme if I can find one. If not, I'll just use a colored button.

8. I have a new item I have added to my wish list. I want a Samsung Galaxy Tablet. My sister just purchased an Ipad and she loves it. I'm waiting until the holidays to get it because electronics always drop in price around the holidays AND I will getting it through my US Cellular plan. I am accumulating belief points that can be used toward the purchase. I can't wait to get it.
9. I love electronics. But one of my favorites is something I've had several years. It is a little click on Ipod that my son and his family got me for my birthday or Christmas one year. It has small and can clip onto your clothing when you walk. I love taking to the beach as well. I keep it on my desk on a little speaker I found at Walmart for $4.00. Music always picks me up. I have it loaded with Country, Southern Gospel, 70's rock, etc. I've got Three Dog Night following right after George Strait. I do love my variety when listening to music.

10. My last random item for today is my new little bargain from Staples. Do not laugh, but it's a pencil case. Why did I buy a pencil case? I have no idea. It was on sale and I had a coupon and it was 50 cents and it was purple and I like bargains, soooo.......The rest is history. I do like it though. I think I have figured out what to do with it. The front has a webbed pocket. We get monthly coupons for local fast food places and I always forget the coupons. I'm going to put them in the little web pocket and keep the case in the car. That way I'll always have the coupons. On the inside pocket, I'm going to store a little notebook and pen since I'm always needing that when I'm out and never seem to have one with me. Then on the back of the case there are some pockets and I discovered CD's will fit in there so I'll carry some of my favorite CD's in it. This little thing fits perfect in my console between the seats.

That's my top 10 random thoughts for the day. Thanks for letting me ramble on. What's going on in YOUR world this week?