Time to close out 2012 today and tell you about my weekend. I spent all day Saturday de-Christmas-ing the house. It was a process because I kept getting side tracked. Funny how your house is one way for 11 months out of the year. Then you decorate for Christmas and one month later you can't remember where anything went. Can I blame it on old age?

Sunday I went to Sunday School and church. After church, I was talking to one of my dear friends and she had me a little gift. It was a Yankee Candle (one of my favorites). As I'm snapping pictures of my blog, I am upset because I left the candle in my bedroom and hubby is still sleeping. I'll insert the pic later. After that, I was leaving church and one of our teens came over to me and handed me something. I about freaked out. It was her first CD. She is just 15 years old and can sing like you wouldn't believe. I played this through about 3 or 4 times yesterday. It is really awesome. I really got a blessing when I heard her do Amazing Grace-My Chains are Gone. She is extremely talented and will go far.
Sunday I went to Sunday School and church. After church, I was talking to one of my dear friends and she had me a little gift. It was a Yankee Candle (one of my favorites). As I'm snapping pictures of my blog, I am upset because I left the candle in my bedroom and hubby is still sleeping. I'll insert the pic later. After that, I was leaving church and one of our teens came over to me and handed me something. I about freaked out. It was her first CD. She is just 15 years old and can sing like you wouldn't believe. I played this through about 3 or 4 times yesterday. It is really awesome. I really got a blessing when I heard her do Amazing Grace-My Chains are Gone. She is extremely talented and will go far.
After church, my daughter took me to a neighboring city to an antique store. She is the one who has found two of the three of my hard to find Cinderella bowls, so I thought maybe she could be my good luck charm. We walked in the antique mall store and on the third booth she walked in, she said Mom there is a lot of Pyrex in here. Weren't you looking for one of these? I walked over to see what she found and it is the elusive green bowl to my primary bowl set. I have been looking for this ever since I started collecting in November 2011.
I now have the entire set just like my Mom had when we were little. I was beyond thrilled. The fact that she found the green in a booth that was 50% off everything made it even better.
She knows I want a flamingo pink casserole bowl and we saw a little small one in the 1/2 off booth so I snatched it up for just $3.50. Then she walks a couple a booths down and finds me the one I have been looking for and it was just $5.00. I couldn't believe I got the mommy bowl and the baby bowl both for under $10 total. I'll be applying some oven cleaner to the big one today to clean it up. But it is a beauty for sure. Now just need to find me a lid.
I was very excited because you will recall that I received the pink flamingo pie plate on Christmas Eve from a Pyrex trade with another collector.
So now I have three pieces in my flamingo pink collection. I need to see what else came in this color and I need to get some turquoise pieces to compliment it.
So I went all summer and found only a couple of pieces of Pyrex and she has helped me find 5 of the 7 pieces that I have collected in December. It has been a good month for me and Pyrex. I told her she is going to be dragged pulled volunteering to go with me from now on. She said she it turned out it was kind of fun...sorta like going on a treasure hunt. So glad to have a daughter that "gets" me.
But my Pyrex fun was not through. My first piece of luck in December was finding the small bowl that was the start of my Colonial Mist set that I wanted so bad. I didn't have any of the pieces and it was my dream set. Now here we are at the end of December and in one month, I have gotten three of the four. Well, I logged into my Facebook last night and Ms. Christa that traded me for my little bowl had posted to me "I have your Cinderella 444 if you want to trade." For those of you not familiar with the Pyrex numbers, that is the biggest bowl on the Cinderella set....the one I am missing. Do I want to trade? You betcha. So I have that on the way and I will have my Cinderella set completed. Am I excited? Oh yeah!!
After all the Pyrex excitement, we went to Walmart and I picked up this cute little dishtowel.
And some new yarn. I wanted something really pink and this is really pink for a little box I am going to make.
It was a long full day, but I was hungry for something good to eat. So I threw some potatoes in to bake then hulled them out and mixed butter and bacon and covered them with cheese and baked them again in a casserole dish. I kept some of the bacon and made me some scrambled eggs to go with it. It turns out that apparently I can cook when I want to. I just don't usually want to. But with hubby working some nights at dinner time, if I want something good to eat, I guess I will have to cook it.
I have a lot of things I want to get done today and tomorrow to get ready for the New Year. So I am going to close for now. Please stay safe tonight. Hubby and I will stay in and have assorted cheeses and crackers along with fruits and other snacks as we play our annual Monopoly game.