I got up early yesterday morning and headed out to see if the yard sale I visited Thursday would be open again. Remember the glasses I got Thursday at .50 cents each? The vintage peanut butter ones from the 50's?

Well, after seeing them hubby asked why I didn't buy more of them. Frankly, I wasn't sure what he would think about me buying any glasses because we have a cabinet full. But when he saw these and realized they were vintage, he sent me back to get some more and they were already closed up for the day. So I went back this morning and she was open and I was the 2nd customer. She still had the other 8 glasses. I wanted a set of 8 to go in an antique glass rack. So I picked out four more at .50 cents each.
Then she said "Everything is 1/2 off the price today so you can have them for .25 each." YES! So I picked up the last four.
So now I have the entire set of 12, at a total cost of $4.00. I am beyond thrilled! I saw a set of 8 in a rack on E-bay for $149.99. So I would say I have good reason to be thrilled over $4.00.
I did stop by one other yard sale and found some more items that I liked. I got this little pillow to go on the front porch for the 4th.
A couple of cute dishcloths.
These two little thermal cups.
And this neat little vase with grapes on it.
Not counting the glasses, my other items were just $2.00. Not bad for a quick run to a yard sale.