Happiness is a four day weekend. Do you ever have one single thought and then it leads to another...and to another...and to another. That is my mind today. I was thinking about the four day weekend and what to do with it and I thought....
I don't have a clue what we will do to kick off the weekend, but hubby is off so I'm sure we will find somewhere to go today. I know we will stop by Double R Farms. Since the produce store has opened, we stop in once a week at least. Last week we picked up some awesome barbecue sauce and some fresh veggies. Need to check out the blackberry jam today and I'm sure hubby will snag some more of the little pickling cucumbers.

...and that reminded me that we were almost out of the strawberry jam we buy at Double R Farms. By the way, if you are ever in the area and stop by there, be sure and pick some up if you like strawberries. Best in the world and has big chunks of real strawberry in it.
...and while I was getting the jam out of the fridge to show you, it reminded me that I made oatmeal cookies yesterday and that I was ready for a snack so I grabbed some and a glass of milk and went back to the office. Then I had a call about a Thirty-One order I am turning in Monday so I sat down at my desk to work on my calendar for September.
....and when I got a coaster for my milk, that reminded me that I hadn't made any new ones in awhile and that I needed some new colors and I need to make some for a Pay it Forward Craft project on Facebook. I need to make one for Norma and one for Phyllis. But I need to find my note to see if there was anybody else. So I pulled some of the ones I have made to see what one I want to put in the office.
...and that reminded me that I had two coasters done that I had not yet trimmed the edges. I don't know how I can do an entire coaster and FORGET to trim around the edge. But I have two that I need to get completed.
....which reminded me that Sis's box is almost finished. One more side to trim on the lid then I can start sewing the whole thing together. My aim is to finish it this weekend. Just got to check with her and see if she wants it mailed or if she wants to pick it up when she comes to visit this fall.
...and that reminded me that I have already started her a gift box for when she comes down. She and I are always exchanging gifts when we visit each other. This year, I am collecting her some vintage items. So far I have this cute pink, yellow and black apron that will be cute for October and a nice patchwork quilt in fall colors. I also have her a vintage apron for Thanksgiving. Over to the left is a little golden yellow bread basket napkin and this Pyrex plate to match her favorite Pyrex mug. Need to hit some more vintage stores and yard sales to pick up a few more things for her. I guess you can tell I love my sister.
...and that reminded me that I should make her a couple of fall coasters for her desk and work and craft room at her home. I have all these lovely new yarns that I haven't used yet. So I think I will work on some crafts this weekend.
....and that reminded me that I had taken the flags the Pre-K Sunday School class made and glued them on the dowel rods this week. So that is one craft project I can mark off my list. The flags will be used on Grandparent's Day for breakfast and a show the class is doing Jesus Loves Me. Stay tuned to see more on the show later.
...and that reminded me I need to mark the flags off my list...which reminded me of how many things are on my list...which made me realize I had better get off here and get ready to head out for the day with hubby.
Have a great weekend!