There is nothing prettier than our flag flying against a blue, clear sky.
My daughter took this one last night at our local grocery store. The sky was so unique. Instead of the sun's rays beaming down through the clouds, they looked like they were coming from the ground up. It was really cool.

As we approach the 4th of July, we will see more and more flags displayed. One of my favorite sites is a flag displayed on a front porch.
I love the painted wooden flags I see on Pinterest. People are so creative.
And how cute is this crochet afghan in a flag pattern?

I love when I find crafts that are as simple as this. I may have to make this before next year. I really like it.
My current favorite "flag" decor are my fabric flowers I bought at Walmart for just a couple of bucks. Loving them!
We have had some of the worst storms throughout the night. Normally I don't hear the rain because I sleep with a fan on. But last night I couldn't hear the fan because of the rain, wind, and thunder. I am heading to work on about 3 hours of sleep. One thing to be thankful for.....All the umbrellas are in the house and not in the car! Not that an umbrella will have much hope of keeping me dry in these torrential downpours.
Hope everyone has a happy Tuesday.