It was a very exhausting but fabulously fun weekend. I had 4 days to enjoy it. It started off with Thanksgiving dinner at my daughter's house. The first year that my son-in-law cooked Thanksgiving dinner and it was delicious. Then my daughter and her family and my son and his family all gathered that evening for desserts at my house. We had an awesome time. It was different than any of our other Thanksgivings and I really missed Allen being with us. I failed to get any pictures. But we did pour over the Black Friday ads. I shopped on Friday and Saturday and was able to pic up some good deals. Like buying 7 items at Kohl's. My total cost for all 7 was $46.37. My savings was $123.87. So that alone made it worth my while to fight the crazy crowds. I went again with my daughter on Saturday and got even more savings. I picked up a cute basket with fresh greenery for just $8.00 for my coffee table. And when I came home I had a package that was a vintage trade I did. I got these two little carolers as part of the trade. I love the way they look with my vintage deer I found last year.

I was looking at pictures this weekend and found this one. This is my twins 37 years ago. They had just turned 1 year old so I had their birthday/Christmas picture made. One of my favorite pictures of them.

That was also the year they were crawling and starting to walk and getting into all kinds of mischief.

I also found a picture of me and my sister and one of my brothers. The baby brother didn't come along for about 4 or 5 years after this picture.

One of my favorite pictures of me and my sister at Christmas time. That was the year we got TWO baby dolls each for Christmas.

I didn't get my tree put up yet, but that is a story for another day. Other than my coffee table and couch, I haven't done any decorating yet. Hoping to get started on it this evening. have a great last day of November.