I adore vintage kitchen linens. Many times at estate sales I see them in near mint condition but my table is too big to find one to fit. But here are some of the pretty ones from days gone by.
Weekend wrap up...
When Easter and my need for some new tops that fit better fall at the same time, it means a shopping trip. I decided to go with a spring top and dress pants this year. Last weekend, I was very happy to find this shirt for $7.00. So I decided it would be my Easter top.
Saturday as I was going through Walmart, I saw some jewelry on clearance and found the perfect necklace to go with my shirt. It was on clearance for just $3.00.
At J.C. Penny's Saturday, I found a pair of sandals that were $26.99 on sale for $13.99 and I had a $10 gift card so with tax and all I got them for $4.38.

So I got new Easter duds for less than $15. You can't beat a bargain like that. But how you look on Easter morning doesn't matter. What matters is remembering that Jesus is Alive. I went to our SONrise service at the local Optimist Park which sets up on a hill. Right as the sermon ended and we were singing our final song, this was the view we could see.
Our church has been going to a Kodak Community Sunrise Service for 5 or 6 years with other churches in our area. It is truly a blessing each and every year. What a wonderful way to start Easter morning..
I really enjoyed my three day weekend and now it is back to the daily grind.

Good Friday
The best thing to happen for us was the worst thing to happen to Him. Yet He chose those nails and He chose that cross so that I could go free.
The most beautiful Easter song ever.
Crazy around here....
I never got around to doing a post yesterday. I woke up around 5:30 and as I was walking through the house I thought "I should have planned a yard sale for my day off Friday.
Then my morning exploded. Thirty minutes later the kitchen table was already loaded with dishes and glassware and stuff I just didn't use any more. Then I tackled another cabinet and got a box full of pots and pans.

Called a friend of mine to let her know I decided on a last minute one and asked to borrow her signs. Turns out she has no Friday plans so she said she would come and keep me company. Next thing we knew, we had both decided to get stuff gathered up for it and have a two family yard sale. We are going to get her tables and signs and bring them over here tonight.
She doesn't work so she spent the day accumulating and pricing and ended up with 8 boxes. I gathered yesterday morning, worked late into the night and got up and pulled some more stuff together this morning. I ended up with 12 containers full plus a set of luggage and some other large items to put in it. Priced as I went except for this morning. I have about 3 boxes left to price which I will do tonight.
Some of this was bittersweet as I had to make the decision on some of Allen's items and decide what I wanted to hold onto and what I was ready to let go. It was about a 50/50 decision process as some thing held no special meaning and had been taking up space for years simply because we just never knew if we needed it. Now tonight, I just have to put my house back in some kind of order now that I've been randomly pulling stuff out of the closets and stacking things on every available surface. Sherrie and I always have a blast when we do yard sales, but we have never thrown one together this fast. It will be interesting. It will be busy and most of all it will be fun.

Happy mail...
The excitement of finding a package in the mailbox always makes my day.
Then there is always the anticipation of opening it and getting that first glance at how it was packed. In Pyrex trading you live in fear that others will not take as great care to pack it up as you did for theirs. So it is always exciting to open it up and see bubble wrap....the King of the Packing World.
This was a two piece set so you have the additional worry of them being loose enough to shift to where there is a chance of breakage or cracking. So you are thrilled when you unearth the lid and find it all in one piece.
Then there is the anticipation as you start unveiling the second piece. The "oh my gosh I can't wait to see it in person" feeling that comes with a piece you have admired from photos but never, ever thought you would see in the wild, much less own it some day.
Then that moment of perfection when you place the two pieces together and view your new addition to your collection.
Aww, sweet contentment. I am in love.
Been bartering again....
I love to barter. I just traded a $3.00 pitcher I bought at a thrift shop for 6 crocheted dish cloths. I love these. I never could learn to crochet so I just barter stuff with dear friend whenever I need any.
I also traded a blue Pyrex Bar Code 475 for a piece I have been wanting this past week. I am awaiting the arrival of my new piece which I'll show you when it arrives. People think I'm crazy for swapping and trading. But sometimes, I buy pieces for less than $3 just to have stuff to trade.

We have a four day week this week so I am really excited about that. Also have our training meeting for VBS this week where we get to look at all the craft ideas they have.
I get to help design and decorate the stage again this year. I had a blast doing that the past year. We are going to need a ton of pool noodles to create some under the sea foliage.

Going to try my hand at making a giant octopus as well.

One Sunday before VBS I will let the kids in Children's Church make sea urchins using 1/2 of a foam ball and toothpicks.
This year is going to be fun to plan the decorating.
Sunday Song
I posted this song a few weeks ago, but what I didn't post was the story that went along with it. I had never heard this particular song. One Sunday morning I had forgotten to bring the monthly newsletter to church. I told the pastor I would run home between Sunday School and Church to get it (It's just about a 4 or 5 minute drive). He asked me if I was sure I said yes I didn't mind at all.
I got in the car and turned on the radio and this song came on. It was definitely a God thing. I had been struggling that week because I strive so hard to move forward after the loss of my husband. I have good days and bad days and I try to hide the bad days from my family, my friends, everyone. But this week I was making plans for my future and putting things coming up on my calendar. With every plan, with every thought of the future, I kept feeling guilt because I was trying to move on with my life and I felt like I was failing Allen by doing that. I felt like I should grieve more, cry more, fall down on my knees and just not get up. I know it was stupid and I know he would want me to move forward and enjoy life, but it hurts so bad some times and the loss is so intense that I felt like I didn't have that right to be happy any more. The world doesn't see that side of me because I continue to push myself forward.
But when I heard the words to this song and discovered the story of how Danny Gokey lost his wife and why this song meant so much to him, I realized it was okay to grieve as much as I want but it is also okay to enjoy moments of happiness. I buried half of my heart with him that day and the half that was left behind just sometimes doesn't know what to do with itself. So this song has become my inspiration. Any time I feel down and feel like I don't deserve to be moving forward, I listen to this song and remember that Allen always told me to keep loving life and to never change once he was gone. The fact that I could find peace and happiness in the midst of a storm was one of the things that he always told me he loved about me. So when I get mired down with pain and regret, I just play this song as a reminder that it is okay for me to tell my heart to beat again and to move forward with my life.
Please listen to the story behind this song and to the actual lyrics of the song. It is beautiful.
Some things I've never seen....
I saw these on Pinterest last night and wondered why, in all the antique stores I have been to over many years, have I never seen these little egg holders. Those are too cute.

Check out this pretty vintage tin. That would be so cute in my beach bathroom. The only vintage tins I ever find are floral. I need to start looking closer for something like this.

Oh what beauties. How springy looking. I have seen this in the darker blues and reds but never in this shade.

On a side note, looking at all this spring colors reminded me that Easter is just one week away. I've not really given it any thought or made the connection that this is my first Easter without Allen. I have just been too busy to think about Easter plans. Both of my children always go to their in-laws for Easter so Allen and I started years ago just fixing an Easter dinner for ourselves. I just don't feel up to cooking a big meal but it just isn't Easter to me without ham. So I'm going to make my favorite ham & cheese croissant rolls, and have that with a few easy sides. And I'll make my favorite spice cake with caramel icing with a side of sliced peaches. Then after dinner, I'm just going to veg out with a good book or watch a good movie. Sounds like I have a plan.

Today I am heading out to do some shopping for a birthday gift for my grandson. We are all going out to eat this weekend at Texas Roadhouse for his birthday celebration. I love family time.
Friday Foto Friends
I am hooking up with Friday Foto Friends on this beautiful day. Check out this beautiful sunrise, complements of our local news WBIR. Isn't this a beautiful way to start the morning.

I have had a great week at work. Finished several projects and getting things organized in my new position. But the highlight of my week was when I found this sign in my desk chair when I came back from lunch one day. I had posted this on Facebook and my bosses wife who is one of my dear friends saw it and loved it so she ordered one for herself and each of us girls in the office. I am beyond thrilled. I am going to hang it this weekend. I think I will hang it by my antique secretary where I set up my bible study area.

Have a blessed day!
Happy birthday to my first grandchild...
Seventeen years ago today, with my heart pounding a mile a minute, it happened. I got to hold my very first grandchild. I was a grandmother. The love and joy that brings is unbelievable. What is more unbelievable is that he is turning 17 years old today.

So many memories of this sweet baby boy. Helping my Mom make homemade biscuits.
That 1000 watt smile of his that lights up his face and lights up my heart.

Taking him on trips to West Virginia to see his great grandmother, my mom.
All those overnight stays with me and Papaw.
Monkeying around on the tree in our back yard.
Not sure what he was contemplating here, but pretty sure if I had to write a caption it would be "I'd rather be fishing."
He has grown into a fine handsome young man that I am very, very proud of.

Happy birthday, Garret. We all love you very much.
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