Yesterday was a horrible day. I got some kind of tummy bug and spent most of the day on the couch feeling awful. It must have been something I ate or a 24 hour bug. I feel fine today except my back and tummy area feel like I was beat with a ball bat. One person suggested I drink some warm tea. The only problem is I am one of the few people in the south who cannot stand any form. Ironically, one of my favorite things I collect are tea pots, tea sets, tea for one's, tea cups and miniature tea sets. I especially love the ones that have flowers on them. I thought I would share some of mine today. This isn't all of them, but it will show you what I mean about loving tea sets.
This is my favorite one. It's the Royal Dalton Country Roses. It was the first one I ever got and Allen bought it for me in 1989 for Valentine's Day. That started my love of all things tea related.

This is my first and only complete real size tea set with the cups, saucers, sugar and cream pitcher. Allen got it for me for our anniversary one year. He took me to pick it out and we decided together that we liked this one the best.
I love this one. I have it on a shelf with pictures of me and my sister and some other things that bring back memories of trips we have taken together.
This is my favorite one ever that I got from my son and daughter-in-law. She knows I love dogwood trees and cardinals. I got it in 2001 and it is one of my most cherished. When I moved, nobody would even pack it up or haul it to the new place. They didn't want blamed if it broke. They all know how much this one means to me.
This is the top of my shelving unit in my office/craft room. The solid pink, blue and yellow came from yard sales for .50 cents each. The others came from various gifts from my family. The one on the far left is getting ready to move to the kitchen. When I turn the top around there is an Easter Bunny so it will show up in another blog in my Easter decorations pretty soon.
These are three Allen bought me at various times over the years for Easter or anniversary.
We found this tea cup at an antique store and I fell in love with it. We didn't pay much for it, but it is one of my favorites.
I found this at an antique store recently. I paid $10 for it because it has shamrocks. My first grandchild was born on St. Patrick's day so I just had to have this.
A little tea cup I found at a yard sale years ago for $1.00.
This is one of my very favorite tea for ones. I love the flowers on this one. I got it at Toby's World of Gifts in Myrtle Beach many years back on one of our vacations.
This is another favorite. It came from the gift shop at Boone Hall Plantation on a trip to Charleston with me, Allen, my sister and her husband. That was the best trip. I love Charleston.
One of the many mini's that I've been given over the years. This one came from my son's family. It's my favorite of all my minis.
I actually was given two exactly like this. This one came from my niece Amy one year when she came to visit. I will always cherish it since she gave it to me. The other one came from a lady I worked with who drew my name at Christmas. I sold the other set and kept the one from Amy.
I am not sure where this one came from. Whether I bought it or if my daughter-in-law got it. She has gotten me a lot of minis over the years and I love them all. But wherever this did come from, I love it because it has cardinals.
A couple of tea for one's I picked up over the years just not sure where or when. The top one I am pretty sure was another one from Toby's World of Gifts.
This was given to me by my secret sister at church one year. She knew I loved tea sets and she knew I loved the beach so this was perfect for a mini set. It's adorable.
Well, there you have it. A wonderful selection of tea sets from a Southern gal with ancestors from England who never drinks tea.