I had a great Mother's Day weekend. I was off Saturday, Sunday and still off today. I love three day weekends. Saturday, I spent the day with my daughter and granddaughter doing a little shopping. My daughter took me to lunch to a place in Pigeon Forge called Frizzle Chicken. It is an awesome place to eat. Lots of unique decor. They serve breakfast all day along with the regular lunch menu.
My favorite thing is their French toast. It's thick and delicious. The syrup is a cinnamon maple and is to die for.
I usually get a side order of bacon to go with it.
We had quite a smorgasbord. My daughter try the waffle, country ham and potatoes.
Since we sampling each others food, we tried Shelby's as well. She had the chicken tenders and fries. Oh my goodness. Those had to be the best chicken tenders I have ever had in my life.
We did a little shopping. I've been looking for a cute little small purse to carry for evenings out and shopping. Found this one at Walmart for $6.97. I carried it last night and loved it. It was just the perfect size.
I have been looking for a back pack for my upcoming trip. But I hate to pay a fortune for a bag I won't carry very often. My daughter spotted this at Walmart. So we checked it out.
It's a little pouch with a nylon back pack folded down into it.
It was easy to pull out of the pouch.
A quick flip and reverse and the pocket goes inside and the back pack was easy to shape up.
It is the perfect size and weight for what I am wanting it for. And it was only $8.97.
So I was very happy with it. I did look at the shirts I shared the other day when we went to Burkes. They had them, but my normal size was too tight and the next size up was too loose. So I didn't get one. I came home that night and baked me a white cake with my homemade chocolate icing. It was delicious.
It was actually my breakfast on Mother's Day. It was good for me. It has egg in it and I drank a glass of milk with it. So I count that as a healthy breakfast.
We went to Sunday School and church. When I got home I splurged on a pizza from Pizza Hut. I've been doing good on what I eat but I wanted a treat yesterday. I only ate two pieces and I freeze the rest for when the craving comes again.
The past few days have been gloomy and rainy. But yesterday it would get dark and rain and then lighten up and be sunny. The sky was strange all day.
Yesterday evening, my son called to take me out to dinner with him and his family for Mother's Day. I got to pick so I picked Cracker Barrel. I had grilled chicken tenders, baked potato and corn. I think I need to fast for a week after all I've eaten the last two days. But I sure enjoyed every minute of it.

I fell and hurt my back last Monday. I had a tear in the soft tissue. I actually went to the emergency room for it because I could barely stand up. They put me on steroids and muscle relaxers and I've had to take it easy and can't lift over 10 pounds for two weeks. Medicine of any kind never makes me drowsy. It wires me up so I have not slept more than 4 or 5 hours a night. But the steroids have played havoc with my blood pressure. I normally range 120/62 every time I have it checked. You can imagine my stress level jumping when the BP went up as high as 154/76. They told me to keep a check on it because they felt it was the steroid. My son-in-law is a first responder and has a BP machine so I've been watching it. It leveled out the past few day in the low 140's over low 70's. Still worried me though. But happy to announce that today it is dropping back down. Top number almost back to normal and the bottom number is slowing going down.

Well, that's my wrap up for the wonderful weekend. I am just hanging out at the house today working on my Thirty-One business, reading and relaxing. I go back to work tomorrow and then return to my normal life of work, rest, repeat. Have a great week!!