
Is it the 1970's again?

The year was 1975. I was a senior in high school. That will be 50 years ago in June. Funny thing, I now have a granddaughter who will be a senior in high school in September of this year. Yes, times have changed. They have new math (which makes no sense to me). They have not been taught to write in cursive (she has worked on teaching herself) and they have curriculum and scheduling much different than when I grew up. However, some things changed in the past 50 years and some things have come back in style. The following styles were exactly how I dressed in 1975 and it is how girls are dressing in 2025. Let's take a walk down memory lane. These style categories will bring back memories, but these pictures of our the modern day version of our 1970's classic. Enjoy.

Case in point, I loved weird bandana scarves and they are super popular now. Hobby Lobby now sales them in every color, style and pattern you can imagine. 

Shirred bodice sundresses. Those fabulous snug comfy dresses were very comfortable. And I was so thrilled when they brought them back in style. I actually have 3 with the shirred top.

The classic wooden heel shoe with leather straps. I loved mine. I wore them to church all the time. I saw some in a local shoe store recently and was so excited. So I tried them on. I realized two things. They were NEVER comfortable and at 68 years old, I looked ridiculous in them. 

Now I never wore this style, but they were the style. Thigh-high boots. Which were always wore with mini dresses. And if you like to dance to the songs of the 60's the white ones were referred to as shindig boots.

One of my favorite thing they have brought back is the boho look. Patterned clothing with a unique charm all it's own. I miss that pattern and have bought me a few things this past year that are boho. I'm loving it. 

The 70's had the mini and the maxi, but we also had the midi. Which nowadays is just referred to a mid-calf.

Oh and what girl of the 70's didn't have a pair of bell bottoms. And if they were hip-huggers and you wore a wide leather belt, you were really in style. There was the brief period of bell bottoms that came out with elephant legs, but I never wore those. 

Pearls are becoming more popular again. But they are a classic that never goes out of style. I'll see high school girls with their bell bottom jeans, a boho top and a set of pearls. It's actually a really cute style.

But mini dresses are also very popular. Now, I was the queen of mini dresses. I was only 5' tall and 90 pounds. We call that petite now, but back then we called it skinny. I know a ton of high school girls that love their short dresses. But nowadays you can buy the shorts that are tight fitting and if you get them short enough you can wear them under the mini dress and you don't have to be as worried if you are out in high winds. 

And last but not least.....cork heal wedge slip on sandals. I had some blue ones similar to this. Saw some of these recently as well. I had to try them on. 

Even though fashions are ever changing, sometimes things come around again and the new generation falls in love with the old classics. And they bring back memories. Some fashions are here and then gone and we never see them again. But one thing that has stood the test of time is the one thing that I have worn since I was a little girl and still wear today are flip flops. I own 21 pairs of flip flops. They have evolved a lot over the years from the little plain rubber ones that we called floppies growing up. I am picking on my brands, but my favorite is Tommy Hilfiger. I have flat feet so I have a hard time finding shoes that don't hurt my feet. But I can wear my Tommy flips flops from dawn to dusk and my feet never hurt. 

Thanks for "listening" to my reminiscing. I would love to hear your comments and thoughts.



Sewing with quilted fabric

I love sewing. I learned in Junior High when I took sewing for 3 years in Home Ec. But over the years, I got so busy I didn't have time. One thing I loved to make was tote bags or anything with pre-quilted fabric. I saw these on Pinterest today and it reminded me how much fun it was to sew. I'm going to start back. 

Here are some ideas of things I saw I liked. How cute would it be to make coasters for holidays and give them as gifts. 

These are really cute.

I'm going to buy a new sewing machine this week and I'll need a cover. This pattern looks super simple.

I went on Joann's and Walmart to check out quilted fabric. I love paisley print so this caught my eye for a tote bag.

I also love flowered prints. And pink is one of my favorite colors.

I wanted to use this to make me a bible carrier for church. I thought this would be a great fabric for that.

Another pretty floral for a multitude of projects.

These are at Walmart (according to their website). I love all of these. I would love to make some placemats out of the middle one. 

I've given myself some food for thought. Time to go shopping pretty soon. Would love to hear your comments on your favorite of the fabric.


It all started with a frame

I am obsessed with the the new way of decorating that they call GrandmaCore Style.  It's vintage charm and eclectic pattern pairing. Lots of antique finishes and frilly edges. Which cracks me up because that is how my mom decorated and how I have decorated my whole life. So this is nothing new. It just means put whatever you want wherever you want and make little groupings that make you happy. 

My recent obsession is looking for brass, bronze and copper accent pieces as well as repurposing items and use them in ways they were not made for. Which brings me to my post for today. I have a small chest in my craft room that I needed to decorate the top of it. I have two old pictures: one of my Papaw and one of my Mamaw on mom's side. These are the old frames the pictures are in. I need to find one that matches Papaw's to put Mamaw's in, but for now these will do.

I have teapots all over my house and this one is vintage and the colors were perfect for this setting I was working on. 

And I found this at a thrift store for just 50 cents. I do need to get some small pink and/or yellow flowers to put in it. 

I recently bought a larger shade for one of my lamps. This one is still in great shape, but I didn't need it. I had a brainstorm. 

As you can see it is one of those that just sets on the lamp then the lightbulb goes through the hole.

I had this antique white flower vase my daughter had given me. 

There isn't a power outlet near the chest. So I didn't need a light there. But I needed something to make the decor a bit cozier looking on it. On a whim, I put the lamp shade on the vase and to my surprise it slid down snug and was a perfect fit. So now I have a cute little cozy area on top of the chest. 

Sometimes it's the little things that can change the whole decor.


Week-end wrap up

It's been a great weekend. I went to Bargain Hunters Antique & Flea Market Mall. One of my favorite places to go. It's over 300 booths and takes a good 2 - 3 hours to really go through the whole thing.

As you can see that have every booth loaded with thrift, antique and handcrafted items for sale. 

You never know what you will find. I never come home empty handed, even if I don't have a lot of "shopping money". 

I wasn't going for anything particular, but I fell in love with this. It looks like little bowls, but it is open in the top for a candle. And it is made by Yankee Candle. It was only $4 and since I collect Pyrex and other unique bowls in my kitchen this was perfect for me. When I got up to pay, the lady said it was my lucky day because this booth was 75% off because she moving booths. So I got this for $1.00. I almost did a happy dance right in the store. 

I have a farmhouse style kitchen. And a lot of farm animals, including a windmill with a cow in front of it. So this mini windmill caught my eye. I knew it was coming home with me. And when the price tag said $2, I knew for sure this was a keeper.

Not a bad day for $3 worth of thrifting. I brought them home and put them on my shelf with my Hobby Lobby bowls and a little Borden's milk bottle I've had for years. I am loving it. 

All in all, it was a great day. I can't wait to go again.