I have always heard people talk about being comfortable in their own skin. What exactly does that mean? I think it means that you love the way you look, the way you feel, the way you are. You are happy with the person you've become.
A person comfortable in their own skin does not worry so much about what others think. We all know people like this. I've always envied someone that is content with their style. They wear what they want to wear and feel good about. They don't bow down to what fashion dictates. They do not let being over or under weight affect the way they dress and carry themselves.
As a child, I think we all that inner peace that simply lets us be us. I was watching Caleb yesterday as the rains were coming. He had on his galoshes and my umbrella. Did he worry about what he looked like? Did he stop to think "Is this a good look for me?" Obviously not. You can tell by the natural grin on his face that he was as happy as a lark. He had on his fire boot galoshes and he was allowed to be out playing in the rain. It doesn't get any better than that for a 7 year old boy.
We should all take a note from his attitude. It's not how you look or what you wear, but how you enjoy your life that makes you comfortable in your own skin.
I know you are warped cause I'm the same way. He does look mahvelous doesn't he. A modern day Gene Kelly, only he's "Grinning in the Rain" instead of singing. But this is Caleb, with a little prompting, he would do the singing.
I love this post Bee. That's the best thing about getting older...you get comfortable in your own skin. I'm afraid I was born that way though. Everyone but me, worried about what I looked like. I'm too busy to worry. If I think I look good..then everyone else is going to have to just live with it. Ha! Styles have always escaped me! My daughter has helped me be more fashion conscious but it's nothing I fret over. Life is too wonderful to be worrying about other people's opinions. There is only one good opinion that I covet...My Lord's!
I think Caleb is like you..just born that way. If you let him, he'd wear the rain boots to church with dress pants tucked in. He is very secure in being himself. I agree with you, I dress for ME, not for everybody else.
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