An unfinished project...
The mini-series....

Just another adventure....

Why you don't put suds in play dishwater....
I was doing dishes yesterday and Shelby wanted to help me. When we were done, she was upset that their was nothing left to wash. So being a resourceful grandmother, I pulled out a chair and gave her a bowl of water, a dishcloth, dish towels and some of her play dishes. She had a bowl. She wash and rinse and then wash them again. It was so much fun to watch her.
When she took a drink of her dishwater, it made me glad I didn't go the bubble route by putting dishwashing liquid in it. It's gross enough to drink from a bowl you've been playing in, but if it had contained suds it would have been worse.
As I watched her play, knowing I'd have a mess when she was done, I wondered why messes do not bother us as much with our grandchildren as they did with our kids? Do we grow more patient as we grow older? Or do we finally come to realize that they are small for such a short while.
As parents, all the responsibility falls on our shoulders to raise them right, provide for them, help them grow. As grandparents, our job is so simple.... play with them and love them....and don't let them get hurt while you are the one in charge.
When I get to play with my grandkids, it's like be little again and have dolls that are interactive. Thank God for grandbabies.
How sad.....

My life
A Walmart Wanderer

My calm in the storm

Happy Father's Day

Memories of Daddy

Forever 25

The Mighty Weeping Willow

The Runaway Goat
Allow me to introduce you to Boomer Lloyd. Boomer is a mere 7 weeks old and is a Pygmy Goat. Adorable isn't he? My sister, Rachel, has two daughters who have no children yet so they provide her with numerous granddogs, grandcats and now yes a grandgoat. Since he is a baby, I argue that he is technically a grand"kid". But what do I know.
Well, a couple of days after Boomer went to live with his new Mom and Dad, (Darin and Amy), Amy went out to feed and water him. Being the frisky little kid he is, he proceeded to prance around Mom and was able to escape his pen. Before Amy could grab him, he took off barreling at high speed like hounds were on his tail.
Yes, high speed... over the hill, through the yard and right smack dab in the middle of the neighbors double plated window. Glass shattered everywhere, little Boomer got caught in the mini-blinds.
The lady next door said not to worry about the window, it wasn't any big deal. Of course, when her hubby came home, he informed Amy & Darin that it had been a double plated window and he expected a double plated window to be put back in. As if they would do anything other than that.
Anyway, that was just the beginning of poor Boomer's dilemma. He was cut pretty bad and bleeding. Amy and Darin doctored him as good as they could and called the vet the next morning.
Believe it or not, but most vets do not doctor goats. It was a mess. They finally got him taken care of and I'm sure he is going to be fine. I'm sure there is a moral in here somewhere, but I'm not sure what it is.
Goats are great. But at least children don't plow through the neighbors double plated windows.
A day of rest
Update on the past week
It's moments like these....
What will they think of next....
Thoughts of whimsy