
Friday Finds

Here are my Top 10 favorite finds I have come across this week. This is from Cracker Barrel. Isn't it gorgeous. Since I have roosters in my kitchen and I collect tea for one sets, I think I might just need this.

Cracker Barrel also carries a line of .99 cent salt and pepper shakers. I want this pepper shaker.

And this salt shaker. Aren't they adorable.

Saw this on Collections, etc. website. Talk about super simple and super easy to spruce up under the cabinets. I just have a small section of wall so I think I will do this.

They also had "brick" walls that you just peel and stick. I loved the white one.

I saw this on that same website. Now this is just too cute.

Hobby Lobby has some Washi Tape I want for my Happy Planner. They are out of stock right now, but the whole package was $2.99. With my 40% off coupon that would only be $1.79 for the whole pack.

When I was on Cracker Barrel site, I saw they have a whole line of Coastal products. I fell in love with these because they were pink AND they have a pineapple.

But these are so ME. I have to see if I can find these.

But of everything I found, this had to be my favorite. It is at Cracker Barrel for only $14.99. Most tea for one sets start at $24.95 and up. So this is a killer deal. I want it for my beach room SO BAD! There are about 6 or 7 within driving distances of me. On my day off Sunday I am going to call around and see which hone has this. Then I am going to go get it and have lunch at Cracker Barrel. Sounds like a plan to me.  

There you have it. My favorite finds from the week.


Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

I love Cracker Barrel and your finds. Such fun and I want all the coastal items too. #FridayPhotoFriends

Breathing In Grace said...

Cracker Barrel has some awesome things... plus the food! I agree, those flip flops are so you! Did you get a pair of sand dollar earrings in the mail a few years ago? �� �� Hope you have a great weekend!

doodles n daydreams said...

Love the pink jandals (flip flops, thongs depending on where you live in the world). Pink is my favourite colour. And the tea sets are lovely. Enjoy your week :)

Terri D said...

You always find the cutest things to share with us! Cracker Barrel does have great stuff in their stores! I didn't know you could shop online! Heading over there now!

betty-NZ said...

My mom collected salt and pepper shakers--lots of them! Sadly, I'm not sure what happened to them. She would have loved the ones that you shared with us.