It's been a busy week. I took a day trip last Saturday to Nashville. I am going to post about that next week. But my niece Lori came down and she put the trip together for me, my daughter and my two granddaughters. We had a great day.

I had a piece of scrap wood that had been pre-cut. I moved out to sweep and once again, everything in the bottom shelf of fit started to fall out as I rolled it. As I looked at it, I thought "I think that scrap piece of wood was that size?" And I checked and sure enough it was. I had my hammer and the right size nails handy in the "catch all" kitchen drawer and within minutes I no longer have a problem.
Speaking of my microwave, it is over 15 or more years old. The 5 quit working, then the 3 and 9. Then the other day the start button didn't work every time. So I was venting on FB about my day and mentioned it quit working. Within 24 hours there was a message from a friend who had just bought a new one because he wanted a bigger size for his family. Next thing you new, he dropped it off at work and since I was off a friend came by after work and dropped it off to me...FREE. It is about 1/4 size bigger than my old one and has a lot more bells and whistles. Not to mention it is a lot faster. I am in 7th heaven. I really do have some great friends. And best of all it matches my other appliances.
I was going to Pinterest one day and saw this. I really love it and have posted it before but still have never made it.
I was looking on my blog for some craft items I made one year when I had a craft party. I forgot how simple and cheap this craft was. May make some for gifts this year.
Then I thought, "I need to do one for fall. I may print this one off and do it. I'm still looking at ideas.
And I need to do one for Halloween as well.
I am working on my tobacco basket craft and should have it to share with you this week. And I have another project that is amazing and way out of my comfort zone and bigger than anything I have ever undertaken in my life. It is a surprise for a friend so I can't share anything yet, but oh my gosh you are going to want to see this one. It will by my post for Monday, September 16th. Be sure and come back. It's almost finished and I just stood and looked at it and almost cried last night. It is coming together better than I ever thought. After that, my next simple craft will be to make me one of these brooms for my porch for Halloween.
I am addicted to the Descendants music from the Disney movie. I love them all, but I love playing my CD with Chillin' like a Villain. I really would like this shirt since this is my favorite song from the 2nd movie.
When I was looking for my craft party ideas from several years ago, I found a pic of everything I had made that time. I'm going to change it up some and do some of these with a fall/Halloween theme.
Well, that's it for today. Just an update from my crazy week. Not much new to blog about because every spare moment is spend working on THE PROJECT. I can't wait to show it to you.
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