
The day before....

It's the day before Thanksgiving. This is going to be a very odd Thanksgiving since I will be working all day. I've had a cold all week so food does not taste good. Therefore I am for going my traditional meal and just eating whatever I feel like eating whenever I get hungry tomorrow.

We celebrated Thanksgiving with my family on Monday night. So since I am working all day tomorrow, I will celebrate the actual Thanksgiving day with my wonderful work friends that have become like family to me.

It's covered dish day tomorrow. So we usually end up with a ton of food at work and it runs the gamut from deviled eggs to casseroles to some of the best dessert you ever eat.

I don't mind working the whole day since my family won't be getting together anyway since we already did. But at least I will get to be with my extended family on Thanksgiving Day.


Terri D said...

I am sorry you have to work but am glad you celebrated with family earlier! Our extended families (friends!) make the day fun, even when you have to work. xoxox

Jan said...

Hope you feel better soon!