
Catching up....again

It has been a crazy couple of weeks. I worked close to 60 hours last week and I feel every minute of it. Day one of the craziness started with me waking up with a head cold. I start medicine immediately but still ended up by day two with a course voice. By mid-week I was borderline of full fledged laryngitis. Here we are day 12 and I still cough some and still taking medicine. The voice has good days and bad day, but it is on the mend. On the flip side, all the coughing and cold has cost me my appetite. And because of this and because I have been drinking lots of water to stay hydrated. I lost 11 pounds in 11 days. Like I said, rough couple of weeks. But before I got sick, I found some old boards and painted them and made Christmas gifts for the porch.

Three of the Grands were over and they fluffed the tree (Colby is behind it). They did a great job.

I got the house all decorated before Thanksgiving because I was going to be working over 60 hours that week. 

I was happy that I got it done early since I got so sick.

I got a great surprise at work. My nephew and his family came to the show. He just got out of the an 8 year stint in the military and I have not seen him in those 8 years. His baby girl is 7 and I had never even met her. I fell in love with her. What a sweetie.

All in all it has been a crazy hectic season so far. And it doesn't show signs of slowing down. In addition to working 40-50 hours per week, I will be going Christmas shopping probably about three times. Working on a project for a Christmas gift. Not to mention any church Christmas programs or kids Christmas programs at school. I have a family event for birthdays, a special time planned for my actual birthday with one of my close friends. A Christmas party with some special friends. Lots of wrapping and a couple of events I want to go to. As usual, it is a very busy time of year.

1 comment:

Terri D said...

I can't imagine working a 60-hour week anymore. My goodness, Brenda! How great that your nephew and his daughter came to a show!! I hope you find some time to REST!!