
Friday's Finds

I saw the cutest thing at an antique store the other day. It is a measuring cup set. As much as I bake I am not sure why I didn't buy it. It was so adorable. 

Then I saw this at Hobby Lobby. Just $3.99 with 40% off. It DID come home with me. As a matter of fact I bought two of them for an Easter display I am going to do.

I belong to a Facebook group about Gifting other Women in our county. We make a wish list on Amazon and share it in the group and people just gift whoever they want. I have sent a couple of gifts so far and got this one in the mail the other day. I was super excited. It was the #1 thing on my list that I wanted. You know me and Steampunk. I am crazy about it.

I found this for $5 at Dollar General. I have a picture with a metal bike and flowers hanging in my house. So I bought this for the doorway to match it. 

I saw this idea on Pinterest and love it. I have some old keys. Now just to find some old bottles.

Another one of those dumb moments on my part. I fell in love with these clocks. They match perfectly with the decor in my living room. All three colors would work and I couldn't decide which one I wanted. So I figured I would go back in a few day and get it. I did and they were sold out. Why do I do this all the time!

Saw this cute rooster at Dollar General for just $5 but didn't know if I liked it well enough to buy it. Still thinking this one over.

Well that is it for my Friday finds today. Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

Terri D said...

You always find cute things to share! Go back and get the chicken! Too cute!