
Corelle and Pyrex

Since our local Corningware Outlet went out of business last fall, I never see the Pyrex storage containers with printed patterns anywhere anymore. I just remembered today that they sell them on the Corelle site so I went to take a gander. They have some new ones I have never seen. Not a fan of sloths so this one wasn't a big hit with me.

Not normally a monkey fan, but I eat circus peanuts a lot and they fit perfectly in one of these bowls. So I'm thinking I may need this one just to store those in. Doesn't hurt that it is yellow and my kitchen is in yellow and red.

Next was the animal lover one. I have one with black cats on it that I love for Halloween, but this is kind of cute. Don't have a pet but have two granddoggies and I love cats. Had one for 17 years. So this is a maybe.

I love things that are inspirational like this be grateful bowl. It's cute. A possibility.

But I did fall head over heals in love with this one. For somebody who bakes a lot, my Pyrex measuring cup gets a lot of use. So I do like this. I may just have to order it and the monkey.

While I was on their site, I decided to look at dishes. I have a ton of mismatched Corelle plates that I have collected over the years simply because I found them on good deals at antique stores or yard sales. But I have been wanting to get rid of all of them and get me an entire set of actual dishes. Sold the ones I had four years ago because I was tired othem and didn't like the square design any longer. They had a lot I thought were pretty. This were kind of cute. 

I was trying to look at red ones but this was all they had and like I said, not a fan of square.

But since my dining room is in blues, I thought about keeping a few of the mismatched to use in the kitchen and to get a new set for when I eat in the dining room. This are simple and basic, but didn't knock my socks off. 

These were kind of pretty. Just wasn't sure about the greenish yellow portion. Not one of my favorite colors.

This one is a lot of different colors so it caught my eye.

But then I hit upon the blue patterns. I did like this one, but wish there was a wider blue band around the outer edge. 

Liked this one better because there was a wider band on the outer edges, but still wasn't what I was looking for. I wanted a busier blue pattern. 

Then bingo! Busy pattern around the outer edges, salad plate is loaded with pattern. 

Since this is the tablecloth I want for the dining room, I think this set would be a good fit.

Some may say that is way too much blue, but that's the room I have all my blue Pyrex in on my blue shelf and it's one of my favorite rooms. The heart wants what the heart wants. And my heart wants this really bad. 

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