
Faith Filled Friday

For many years, my Friday posts were always about Faith. I wanted to start that segment back up because I really enjoyed writing it. Whether you have faith in God, faith in mankind, faith in family and friends, whatever you place your faith in, it is one of the most positive impacts you can have in your life. Do I always have faith? As much as I like to believe I do, I'm like everybody else. I strive for it, but I don't always keep it as strong as I want. It's my belief that faith is achieved by having hope. When you have hope and faith together and sprinkle that with your dreams and goals, it can be a powerful thing. 

Sometimes we put our faith in others and when we are hurt or let down, we find ourselves struggling, overthinking, and yes even stressing over things we have no control over. Only we realize in the end that we were worried about nothing. How many wasteful moments of our life do we lose happiness or peace by worrying about things that are not even happening? 

I have the dearest friend in the world who knows my mind better than I do. He can tell when I am overthinking things. He calls me on it and sets me back on course. He is constantly encouraging me to dream BIG. It's in my darkest moments when I start to despair and he pulls me back to the reality that I cling to my faith and know, it's okay. I can have my moments and my crazy thoughts. But I can't park a camper and live there. 

Those times are the times that I am most aware how much I need faith. Faith is that unshakeable, unquestionable mindset that lets you know everything is going to be okay. It's that feeling that can keep you focused and keep your eyes on the journey not just on one specific moment in time. So have faith and cling to your hope and dream big.

1 comment:

Terri D said...

I don't know where I would be without my faith in God. How do people survive day-to-day without Jesus? I can't even imagine. Great post!