
Pizza Time

Many years ago, by experimenting with different combinations and my picky eating habits, my hubby came up with the perfect combo for me to enjoy homemade open face pizza bread. We used Cobblestone Mill white sub rolls, Ragu traditonal pizza quik sauce, pork sausage and Colby Jack cheese. It was a huge immediate success.

Over time, we would try different combos like pizza dough instead of pizza bread.

One time I was out of subrolls and my 9 year old grandson Caleb wanted pizza so he experimented with a little help in fixing it like a grilled cheese sandwich with all the same ingrediants betweed bread and grilled.

The subrolls for the open face have always been my favorite.

But if I can find the subrolls, I also love it on flat bread. It makes for a really good pizza. 

After finding all these pictures from older posts today, it made me crave pizza. So tonight I celebrated by making it on pizza dough and it was divined.

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