
New hair

Yesterday was the ninth anniversary of my blog. I found it humorous that on my anniversary I forgot to blog. In my defense I had a busy day. Part of my day consisted of going to get a haircut. Here is how thick and bushy my hair has gotten.

So I went and got it cut and thinned out. Keep in mind it was getting close to time to color it again because a lot of the gray was coming through. When she cut off all the excess it took most of the color out. Look, this is the color my hair was. Look at all that gray. Ugh!

So I decided to color it a darker shade for the fall. I'm very happy with the end result. But basically I had three different types of hair in one day.


Breathing In Grace said...

It looks great! And, you look so much younger with it short and darker! Always a win-win! <3

Amy said...

Love the new cut and color!!

Terri D said...

You got a cute cut. I think your gray looks great, but the darker color is great! Love the tiara!! Have a good Thursday and happy blogging anniversary week!!

Rachel said...

I love the end result! I’m going to show Mom!

Linda said...

I am liking the new darker shade to. Very nice.