It's a guy thing....
The "I don't feel good" man: When a woman gets sick, she has to continue to make sure there are clean towels in the cupboard and hot food on the table. You will work like a slave all day and after dinner is over and all the dishes are done and all the kids are settled, hubby will comment "Why didn't you say something, I could have helped." You want to come back with "I figured when you saw me laying my head on my arm while I was mashing the potatoes, you would have helped if you wanted to." But let him get a little sniffles and he needs to have a pity party. And if you get a little snappy with him, you are sure to hear a whiny "I'm sorry, it's just that I dont' feel good."
Never let a man give directions: A women will be precise and concise when giving directions. A man will muddy the waters with way too many details. For example, you can say "turn right on Rogers Road and go 4 miles and turn left. We are the first house on the left." A man will say turn right onto Rodgers Road. that's Rodger not Roger. If you go about 4 miles, you'll see a big red barn. There are several barns on Rodgers Road, but this is the one that has the See Rock City painted on. After you pass the barn, there will be a........ I think you get my point. A little too many details.
Never let them see you sweat: If you are both involved in a stressful situation i.e. the microwave catches on fire, a water line bursts, etc. You will both be frantically trying to stop the situation before it gets worse. You'll both be stressed. But when it's done and you are telling somebody about the drama, hubby will say "I wasn't worried about it. It wasn't that bad." He didn't seem to think that way at the time.
Are you okay?: Sometimes we may have an accident...burning our hand on a hot pan, walking into the door frame (yes, I do this all the time.), tripping over a throw rug (again, guilty). At the moment of the accident hubby will jump up to check on you, look for blood or broken bones. He is so considerate. When he sees you are fine and he realizes how worried he was, instead of laughing off the incident like a woman will, it'll be all about "You should be more careful." "We don't need a rug there." They are too embarrassed to show they were worried over something that ended up being trivial. But a woman will crack up over the accident once she sees everything is okay.
But on the flip side, a husband will always be there for us. He is the one we can lean on at the end of the day that will listen to our troubles and woes. He doesn't judge us. He thinks we look beautiful even when we've added 70 pounds since our wedding day. He doesn't see the gray hair or the wrinkles. He still lights up when you walk into a room. His smile and the twinkle in his eyes still make you tingle when you look at him. He does not judge us and just shakes his head when we make mountains out of molehills.
And there is nothing in the world as wonderful as a husband who has been with you through menopause and lived to tell about it. Can I get an amen?
My scales hate me.....
My first goal is to lose 10 pounds. I started out at 169 and want to drop down to 159 for the first step. I decided that it would thrill me to be able to get on the scales and be down into another set of "tensies". With the little changes I made I dropped from 169 to 161 a lot faster than I though I would. But I'm stuck. When I weigh, I'll be at 161. So close to my goal. I can't wait to see a number that starts with 15something. Well, I give it a few days and I'm down to 160.5. Oh give me a break Mr. Scale. He is jumping up and down between 161 and 160.5 for the past 3 weeks. I think he doesn't like me. Or he has a warped sense of humor and is taunting me.
But I will persevere. I added a few more things to my "fitness" routine. I watched Footloose the other day and danced to all those fast songs. I tried to mimic the way they move, but just don't have that flexibility in these old joints. But I was burning some calories anyway. And yes, for those of you who know me, you have my permission to cut loose...laughing at me that is. I'm sure it was a humorous site to see.
I'm going to work really hard this week and drop that other 1.5 pounds. But I'm sure as soon as I do, Mr. Scale will pop back up to 160 just to torment me.
God is able...
Our Sunday School lesson for last week was for II Corinthians. Do you ever here a short phrase from the bible that just makes you go WOW? Well, that happened last week in our lesson. Paul was talking in II Corinthians 9:8 and he started his statement with "And God is able...."
My thoughts stopped right their and went in a new direction. God IS able. How true a statement. It was one of those profound moments where you think "Why am I trying to do everything myself? Why do I strive to settle any of my concerns or problems? Why do I worry over situations I can't control? Why am I beating my head against the wall in my daily struggles when GOD IS ABLE.
He can do anything and yet we still try to handle it all by ourself. How many times does He have to point it out to us before we start letting Him. He is able so let go and let Him take care of whatever it is that you are facing.
I wish we could see God's love and abilities through the eyes of a child, no matter our age. We make things so complicated when they are so simple. My grandson, Caleb, who is only 7 said something to me that just made me realize how simple it is to see God's love and what he does for us. Caleb and I were talking about the needy. He was telling me about a little boy he knows that wears shirts with holes in them to school. I explained about needs and pointed out how blessed he is that he has nice clothes, a good home, food to eat, toys to play with. I asked him if he understood that those were all blessings from God. This led to a discussion on how God blesses us and what some of His blessings are. He said something to me that brought tears to my eyes to think that a 7 year old can see with such perception the things that our eyes do not acknowledge.
He said, "Mamaw B, I know ladies who walk on canes or have to use wheelchairs. But God blesses them everyday." I asked him, what kind of blessings did he think God gives these ladies. His words back to me were "They may have to use a cane or a wheelchair, but God blesses them every morning by letting them live another day."
Whoa! Truer words were never spoken. No matter what your lot in life, no matter what circumstances surround you, you are truly blessed each morning that you wake up to find you are still alive. God IS able. Let Him take control and see what blessings He sends your way.
Saturday Snackin'
A day with a friend...
It's the little things....
Nowadays they make them large and bulky but I prefer just the plain square shaped regular potholders. I have looked high and low trying to find them and finally gave up. I decided they just don't exist any more.
Well, this week my husband came home from the grocery store and was pulling the items from the bags. He nonchalantly said "I bought you something." And pulled out two packs of two each little square potholders!!
I was so excited (yes, it doesn't take much to excite me.) Number one, it thrilled me that he pays attention to what I say and number two, he know what I like. (Of course after griping about it for 4 months, you would have to be deaf not to know what I was looking for.)
But the fact remains that my dear sweet husband knew what that would mean to me. Even if it was just little old potholders, it touched me that he saw them and bought them for me. Granted, he will get way more use out of them than I will. But the next time I bake a cake, I won't have to fuss about the potholders.
I just love surprises. I think I'll make some cupcakes so I can use the new potholders!!
I was just thinking....
It cleaned up real well and I think it will be fine. It didn't go in real far and I cleaned it immediately. But as my old bones have gone through their normal creaking last night, I let my overactive imagination take over. You know how you will get a little catch in your ribs sometimes. Well I was walking down the hall and felt a catch and my first thought was "Oh no, I should have gotten the shot!" Now I'm going to be paranoid with every little pain until the wound heals.
I sat down to write this post because I was laughing at myself. Then a thought hit me that changed the whole direction of the post.
When I picked up the board, I swooped in from the ends and grabbed it. That forced the nail to drive into the side of my hand between the thumb and wrist. It hurts like crazy and has been sore all evening. But the thought that hit me was, if this tiny little jab is hurting me so bad, what pain must our Saviour have felt when they nailed His palms to the cross. How could he have survived such pain and suffering? And to think, He did it for us. All of us. The saved, the sinners, everyone. He didn't call out names and say this is for Bob, Sue, Mandy or Billy. He did it for everybody.
We sometimes moan and groan over little aches and pains, but we tend to forget the agony that Christ went through to give us the wonderful, blessed lives we have.
Jesus is Waiting
A lesson to be learned
Now you may wonder why I am posting this, considering I'm not much of a sports fan. But I believe there is a lesson to be learned. What Pete Rose did was not a good thing, yet he was still adored by his fans. He was still loved by thousands.
How many times in our lives do we do or say things we know God does not want us to do or ignore doing the things He asks of us, thinking we know best? Yet, how many times does God forgive us for our foolishness and stubbornness in trying to manage on our own? No matter what we do or don't do, He is still there for us. He stands beside us, He carries us, He shows His undying love and support in so many ways and we take it for granted. I don't understand why we as humans are so willing to forgive and forget when we love someone; yet, we find it hard to accept that God feels the same way about us. We need to quit being so hard on ourselves when we fail and just take it to God and leave it there.
In 1963, Summer Magic hit the theaters. Mom took us to the Keith Albee to see it. I fell in love. I wanted to be like Nancy Carey (Hayley Mills). She became my idol. She could work in the house cleaning and repairing. She could put on an old pair of pants and work shirt and work up a sweat with the rest of them.
Or she could curl her hair and put on a lacy, frilly dress and be a feminine young lady. This picture and video are my favorites scenes from the movie. I often think she was my role model.
I am a contrast of different women. I can be the professional woman who handles business and designs new marketing campaigns to increase business. I can be the partner in helping my husband lay brick when we built our fireplace or the carpenter who helped build the deck on the back of the our first house. I can be the gardener who helped plant the potatoes and hoe the corn.
But when all is said and done, I can be the feminine woman who soaks in a bubble bath, lathers up with lotion and does her own manicures. I can be the woman who wears the silky "unmentionables" and the baby doll tops. I love my frilly night gowns right along with my flannel pants and t-shirts. I love my high heels and can't wait for winter so I can wear my Candies Hiking Boots. I can be the strength and the shoulder to lean on for my kids or I can be the the one who needs comforted by my hubby.
I can catch a 20" catfish, but I can't bait a hook or touch the fish when I reel it in. (eeeewww) I can buy auto parts or I can buy purses.
I am a contrast of personalities. But when the day is done, I'm still a girl and I still like my girlie things. I think Nancy Carey (Hayley Mills) inspired me more than I realized. I saw that movie when I was about 7 or 8. I own a copy of it and here I am 47 years later and I'm STILL watching it.
School Days, school days....
I've been at it again.....
I had walked around and looked at some things and next thing I know we are discussing...you guessed it, BASKETS.
I don't know why I have such a weakness for them. But I do. So I ventured to the back of her garage where she had some small baskets. And $2.75 later I was walking out with these....
They are all small baskets and I have no idea what I will do with them, but I'm sure I'll think of something. The white one is going to get spray painted for sure, but I don't know what color yet. I'll keep you posted on what happens with them.
When inspiration hits.....
I love AC Moore and JoAnne's. I saw some wonderful things that inspired me with many new ideas for crafts when cooler weather starts. They had some awesome Christmas material that will make adorable little pillows to toss in a basket. I also picked up some new yarn for a Santa craft I want to do. Then there was really cute material to make a few snowmen to set around. Just came away full of Christmas crafts I want to do.
But the most inspirational idea I got today was nothing to do with crafts. There was a sweet lady in line with me named Donna at AC Moore. When it came her turn, she was asked if she had a rewards card. Now I don't know about you, but I have several I use on a regular basis. I keep them in the little holder with my credit cards, debit cards, ID's, everything. So each time I need one, I have to dig for it.
I know they all come with key chain size cards as well. But if I put them on my key chain, it is overloaded. I already have my car key, my alarm/door lock gizmo, two house keys, the PO box key. Adding my rewards cards would just make it to bulky.
But Donna solved that problem. She carries a separate key chain that has all her rewards cards in one place. She just flipped through, found the right one and that was that. Now some of you may already do that and I commend your brilliant minds. But it just never occurred to me to put them on a separate key chain. So guess what I did? That's right I came home and put them on a keyring. I have to find the rest of them, but for now I have my basic ones on there. I don't know why this impressed me so much, but it did.
When God Smiles.....
Wash day....

Motivational Monday
I love this..watch the video if you can
The Power of Positive Thinking
More yard sale finds...
When I saw this next item, I just fell in love with it. I love little glass candy dishes to set around and you all know I love baskets. What better than a little glass bowl with a basket weave pattern. I was hooked the moment I saw it, but so many people charge too high for glassware if they think they can pass it off as an antique. I asked the price and held my breath....25 cents! Needless to say I snapped it up.

I can't believe I'm telling this on myself, but....
Ain't that the truth....

Things I'll never understand......
I love when God gets possessive
Fall is in the air....

What a fun-filled two days...

Decorating with ease
I removed the chimes and cut all the strings off and filed the bottom down to sit flat. I saved the little seashell that was hooked to the chime strings.
I bought this little shelf over a year ago at AC Moore for $1.00 and have been trying to decide what to do with it ever since.
This is some jute rope that my husband is going to tie into nautical knots (Mr. Boy Scout is not home right now, so I'll have to wait to get that part completed.)
At one time, I collected thimbles. This is one my son and his family brought me back from Gulf Shores, AL several years ago.